
A Check List for Producers, Broadcasters, and Advertisers

Lista ta' Kontroll għal Produtturi, Xandara u Reklamaturi

Click here for S.L. 350.15 - Requirements as to Standards and Practice applicable to Participation in Media Programmes of Vulnerable Persons

Agħfas hawn għal L.S. 350.15 - Ħtiġiet Dwar Standards u Prattika Dwar Is-Sehem ta’ Nies Bla Ħarsien Xieraq Fil- Mezzi Tax-Xandir

Principle: Both radio and television programme producers must avoid any form of exploitation for commercial purposes. Vulnerability should always be safeguarded.

Prinċipju: Min itella’ l-programmi, kemm fuq ir-radju kif ukoll fuq it-televiżjoni, għandu jaħrab kull xorta ta’ sfruttament ta’ dak li jkun għal finijiet kummerċjali. Kull forma ta’ ħarsien xieraq għandha tintuża.

Who are those requiring adequate protection?

  • ALL children under 18 years;
  • Not all the elderly BUT those with problems;
  • Victims of any abuse, mostly sexual or emotional;
  • Those who are physically or mentally disabled - though NOT ALL;
  • Prison inmates;
  • Refugees;
  • Victims of usury; drugs; or alcohol.

And for some time ONLY:

  • Those mourning the loss of a loved one;
  • Those who have lost their job or are facing difficulties in their career;
  • Couples experiencing serious relationship difficulties;
  • People with grave financial problems;
  • Those who have to face either their own sickness or that of loved ones;
  • All those who, for whatever reason, are weighed down and distressed as they would be going through a tough period of uncertainty.

Min huma dawk li jinħtieġu ħarsien xieraq?

  • Tfal ta’ taħt it-18-il sena
  • Mhux l-anzjani kollha IMMA dawk bi problemi;
  • Vittmi ta’ xi abbużi, l-aktar sesswali jew emozzjonali;
  • Dawk li għandhom diżabilità fiżika jew mentali - għalkemm MHUX KOLLHA;
  • Ħabsin;
  • Refuġjati;
  • Vittmi tal-użura; Vittmi tad-droga; Vittmi tal-alkoħol.

U għal ċertu żmien BISS:

  • Dawk f’luttu tal-għeżież tagħhom;
  • Dawk li tilfu x-xogħol jew b’xi diffikultajiet fil-karriera;
  • Koppji b’diffikultajiet kbar fir-relazzjoni bejniethom;
  • Dawk b’diffikultajiet finanzjarji kbar;
  • Uħud minn dawk li qed iħabbtu wiċċhom ma’ mard, kemm huma stess kif ukoll/jew l-għeżież tagħhom;
  • Dawk li għal xi raġuni jew oħra jħossuhom mgħaffġa u mkissra f’ħajjithom għax għaddejjin minn żmien ħażin ta’ inċertezza.

Free and informed consent:

The Producer:

  • Must not in any way coerce these people to participate.
  • No financial compensation should ever be promised to the participant, and parents or guardians so that whoever is involved is allowed to participate.
  • Is duty bound to check with independent sources the veracity and correctness of the vulnerable person's stories.
  • Whenever children are involved and where the participant/s suffers greatly, a qualified person, independent of the team organizing the program (social worker, counselor, psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist) should meet and clearly explain to them the implications of their participation in that programme. And if the participant needs psychological help the producer shall require written comments from the therapist about the case.
  • The therapist should be involved whenever the participant is awarded money or a great gift for participating. The broadcaster shall ensure that the participant does not sacrifice his/her wishes and right to privacy because of this.
  • Are expected always to abide by the advice of the therapist even if the latter states that it would be better if these vulnerable persons, especially in the case of minors, do not participate in the programme.
  • In case of the participation of children suffering from some kind of problem Aġenzija Appoġġ or any other agency authorized by the Broadcasting Authority should always be contacted and a written report should be drawn up and given to the broadcasting station concerned.

The Participant:

  • Must be well informed of how his situation will be depicted.
  • Must be well aware if the possible consequences and how these might effect his life after exposure to thousands of people. This should be explained to him by a therapist at a separate hearing before the program is broadcast.
  • Must very well understand that owing to the participation in the programme he/she would be forfeiting the right to privacy and that afterwards he/she would not be able to complain about a breach of privacy.
  • Upon insistence by the participant to take part even against the statement of the therapist, a written statement must be made. This statement as well as that of the therapist's must be made before the program is aired and sent to the programme Manager.

Biex jingħata l-kunsens ħieles:


  • Bl-ebda mod m’għandu jsir sfurzar fuq il-parteċipant.
  • M’għandu jitwiegħed ebda xorta ta’ kumpens jew benefiċċju finanzjarju lill-parteċipant, lill- ġenituri u jew lit-tuturi biex dak li jkun involut jitħalla jieħu sehem.
  • Għandu jiċċekkja ma’ sorsi indipendenti l-verità u l-eżatezza tal-istorja tal-persuna vulnerabbli.
  • F’kull involviment tat-tfal kif ukoll meta jkun hemm ħafna tbatija tal-parteċipant għandu jkun hemm persuna kwalifikata u indipendenti mit-tim li qed itella’ l-programm (ħaddiemsoċjali, konsulent, psikologu, psikoterapewta jew psikjarta) biex tkellem u tispjegalhom b’mod ċar l-implikazzjonijiet ta’ sehemhom.  U f’każ li l-parteċipant jenħtieġ għajnuna psikoloġikal-produttur għandu jirrikjedi kummenti bil-miktub mit-terapista dwar il-każ.
  • It-terapista għandha tkun involuta kull meta l-parteċipant ikun ser jingħata xi flus jew xi rigal kbir talli jieħu sehem. Ix-xandar għandu jiżgura li l-parteċipant ma jissagrifikax ix-xewqa ud-dritt tal-privatezza tiegħu/tagħha minħabba dan.
  • Għandhom dejjem joqogħdu fuq il-parir tat-terapista anke jekk dan jistqarr li jkun aħjar jekk ma jipparteċipawx speċjalment f’każi tal-parteċipazzjoni ta’ minuri.
  • F’każ ta’ parteċipazzjoni ta’ minuri li jbatu minn xi tip ta’ problema għandha dejjem tiġi kkuntattjata l-Aġenzija Appoġġ jew kull aġenzija speċjalizzata oħra awtorizzata mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir u jitħejja rapport bil-miktub biex jingħata lill-istazzjon konċernat.


  • Irid ikun infurmat sew il-mod ta’ kif ser tiġi trattata il-qagħda tiegħu.
  • Ikun jaf sewwa fiex dieħel u x’effett jista’ jkollu fuq ħajtu l-fatt li jkun instama’ u/jew intwera lill-eluf ta’ nies. Dan għandu jiġi spjegat lilu minn persuna kwalifikata li trid issir f’seduta separata qabel ma jixxandar il-programm.
  • Irid jifhem sew li bil-parteċipazzjoni tiegħu f’dak il-programm ikun qiegħed iwarrab il-jedd li għandu għall-privatezza u li wara ma jkunx jista’ jressaq każ ta’ ksur tal-istess privatezza.
  • Meta ssir insistenza mill-parteċipant li għandu jieħu sehem anke kontra l-istqarrija tat- terapista, trid issir dikjarazzjoni bil-miktub dwar dan. Din id-dikjarazzjoni kif ukoll dik tat- terapista jridu jsiru qabel ma jixxandar il-programm u jintbagħtu lill-Maniġer tal-programm.


Click here for S.L. 350.27 - Requirements as to Standards and Practice applicable to the Price of Telephone Calls and SMS's in the Broadcasting Media

Agħfas hawn għal L.S. 350.27 - Ħtiġiet Dwar Standards u Prattika Dwar Il-Prezz ta’ Telefonati u Sms’s Fil-Mezzi Tax- Xandir

Principle: The cost of a Telephone Call and SMS should ALWAYS be broadcast - on radio as well as television

Prinċipju: Il-Prezz tat-Telefonata u ta’ SMS għandu DEJJEM jixxandar - kemm fuq ir-Radju kif ukoll it-televiżjoni.


  • If the price is higher than the normal published tariff, the broadcaster shall inform the public of the price of that phone call or SMS..
  • If any part of the payment will be donated to any cause from which no gains will be made, that part must also be specified.
  • In the case of television programs such information may be displayed within a caption complying with Requirements as to Standards and Practice applicable to Crawls and Captions in Television Programmes - L.S. 350.20.


  • Jekk il-prezz ikun ogħla mit-tariffa normali pubblikata, ix-xandar għandu jinforma lill-pubbliku kemm huwa l-prezz ta’ dik it-telefonata jew SMS.
  • Jekk xi parti mill-ħlas ser tingħata għal xi kawża li minnha mhux ser isir qligħ dik il-parti trid tkun ukoll speċifikata.
  • Fil-każ ta’ programmi televiżivi din l-informazzjoni tista’ tintwera f’caption li tikkonforma mal-Ħtiġiet dwar Standards u Prattika dwar Sottotitli u Titli Oħrajn fil-Programmi Televiżivi - L.S. 350.20.


Click here for S.L. 350.22 - Requirementa as to Standards and Practice applicable to the Conduct of Competitions and the Award of Prizes

Agħfas hawn għal L.S. 350.22 - Ħtiġiet Dwar Stadards u Prattika Dwar It-Tmexxija Ta' Kompetizzjonijiet u L-Għoti Ta' Premijiet Fil-Mezzi Tax-Xandir

Principle: Competitions should be conducted fairly well and in accordance with known rules. Participants must know the rules of the competition and the nature of prizes to be awarded. The broadcaster is directly responsible for the competition as well as awards to the winners.

Prinċipju: Kompetizzjonijiet għandhom jitmexxew bil-ħaqq u skont ir-regoli magħrufa. Il-parteċipanti jridu jkunu jafu sewwa r-regoli tal-kompetizzjoni kif ukoll ix-xorta ta’ premijiet li ser jingħataw. Ix-Xandar hu direttament responsabbli għall-kompetizzjoni kif ukoll għall-għoti tal-premijiet lir-rebbieħa.

Types of competitions:

  • Televoting
  • Phone-ins
  • Programme Participation as member of the studio audience
  • By writing (including e-mail or fax).

Tipi ta’ kompetizzjonijiet:

  • 'Televiting";
  • Telefonati;
  • Parteċipazzjoni fil-programm;
  • Bil-kitba, e-mail, fax eċċ.

Cost of telephone call and SMS: When the price is higher than the normal published tariff the price shall always be broadcast. If part of the cost of the call/sms is being donated to a cause from which no gains will be made, this part must also be specified.

Prezz tat-telefonata u ta’ SMS: Meta l-prezz ikun ogħla mit-tariffa normali pubblikata dan għandu dejjem jixxandar. Jekk xi parti mill-ħlas tat-telefonata/sms sejra lejn xi kawża li minnha mhux ser isir qligħ din il-parti trid tkun ukoll speċifikata.

Competition prizes:  Prizes should be given up to one month of the announcement of the winner of the competition. The winner has to be announced in the first program after the competition closes OR during the last program if the competition closes at the end of the series.

Premju tal-kompetizzjoni:  Dan għandu jingħata sa xahar mit-tħabbir tar-rebbieħ/a tal-kompetizzjoni. Ir-rebbieħ/a trid j/titħabbar fl-ewwel programm ta’ wara li tkun għalqet il-kompetizzjoni JEW waqt l-aħħar programm jekk il-kompetizzjoni tagħlaq fl-aħħar tas-sensiela.

If the competition refers to a product or service:

  • On Television: This should be regarded as advertising and the words "Promotional Message" should appear on the screen.
  • On Radio: The broadcaster shall announce the competition with the words:"Issa ngħaddu għall- kompetizzjoni li hi parti minn messaġġ promozzjonali"

In case the prize involves payment of Tax: It has to be specified that taxes due have to be paid.

Jekk fil-kompetizzjoni hemm referenza għal xi prodott jew servizz:

  • Fuq it-Televiżjoni: Din għandha titqies bħala reklamar u l-kliem “Messaġġ Promozzjonali” għandu jidher fuq l-iskrin.
  • Fuq ir-Radju: Ix-xandar għandu jħabbar il-kompetizzjoni bil-kliem: “Issa ngħaddu għall- kompetizzjoni li hi parti minn messaġġ promozzjonali”.

F’kull każ li l-premju jinvolvi ħlas ta’Taxxa: Għandu jiġi ndikat li jridu jitħallsu t-taxxi dovuti.

References to the Prize: A short factual and/or visual reference no longer than 7 seconds may be made but no promotional description of the prize should be made.

Referenzi dwar il-Premju: Tista’ ssir referenza qasira fattwali u/jew viżiva ta’ mhux aktar minn 7 sekondi imma m’għandhomx jingħataw deskrizzjonijiet li jirreklamaw il-premju.

Award of vouchers as prizes:  The winner is entitled to the full value of that voucher without the need of incurring any extra expense to be able to use it, and if the voucher has to be exchanged to goods or services these shall be equivalent to the total value of the voucher.

Vawċer bi Premju:  Ir-rebbieħ huwa ntitolat għall-valur sħiħ bla ebda ħtieġa li jkollu jħallas fluz żejda biex jagħmel użu minnha u jekk il-vawċer jinbidel fi prodotti u/jew servizzi dawn iridu jkunu jiswew daqs il-valur totali tal-vawċer.

Competition Rules: These must not be long and complicated and should include:

  • Closing date/s - except where there are instant prize-winners during the programme itself;
  • Terms, conditions and restrictions on eligibility;
  • Clear and adequate description of the prize;
  • How and when the winners will be informed.

Regoli tal-Kompetizzjoni: M’għandhomx ikunu twal u komplikati u għandhom jinkludu:

  • Data/i meta tagħlaq - ħlief għal dawk fejn ir-rebbieħa jitħabbru waqt il-programm stess;
  • Termini, kundizzjonijiet u restrizzjonijiet dwar l-eġibilità;
  • Deskrizzjoni adegwata u ċara tal-premijiet;
  • Kif u meta r-rebbieħa għandhom ikunu nfurmati.

Eligibility: The following are prohibited from participation in any competition:

  • Persons employed by all broadcasters and advertising agents;
  • Employees of the competition's sponsors;
  • Those who are directly involved in the production or presentation of the programme in which the competition is carried;
  • Those who are closely related to employees who work in broadcasting.

Eliġibiltà: Dawn li ġejjin ma għandhomx jitħallew jieħdu sehem f’xi kompetizzjoni:

  • Impjegati tax-xandir, u ta’ aġenziji tar-reklamar;
  • Impjegati ta’ sponsors tal-kompetizzjoni;
  • Dawk involuti direttament fil-produzzjoni jew preżentazzjoni tal-programm li fih tixxandar il- kompetizzjoni;
  • Dawk li huma qraba tax-xandara jew persuni li jaħdmu fix-xandir.

Click here for S.L. 350.24 - Requirements as to Advertisements, Methods of Advertising and Directions applicable to Alcoholic Drink Advertising, Sponsorship and Teleshopping

Agħfas hawn għal L.S. 350.24 - Ħtiġiet Dwar Ir-Reklami, Metodi ta' Reklamar u Direttivi Dwar Reklamar, Sponsorship U Teleshopping ta’ Xorb Alkoħoliku

Principle: Responsibility and consideration in advertising, teleshopping of alcoholic beverages and incidental portrayal of alcohol consumption.

Prinċipju: Responsabbilità u kunsiderazzjoni għar-reklamar, teleshopping ta’ xorb alkoħoliku u fil-wiri b’mod inċidentali ta’ konsum ta’ alkoħol.

Between 6:00am and 9:00pm:

  • Advertising and teleshopping of alcoholic drink is prohibited;
  • The name of alcoholic beverages cannot be used as the name of the sponsor in sponsored programs;
  • You cannot use the name of an alcoholic product in a sponsored activity on the media.

Bejn is-6:00 ta’ filgħodu u d-9:00 ta’ filgħaxija:

  • Reklamar għal u 'teleshopping' ta’ xorb alkoħoliku ma jistax jixxandar;
  • Ma tistax tuża l-isem ta’ xorb alkoħoliku bħala l-isem tal-isponser fi programm sponsorjat;
  • Ma tistax tuża l-isem tal-prodott alkoħoliku f’attività sponsorjata fuq il-mezzi tax-xandir.

Between 9:00pm and 6:00am:

  • Restrictions for the protection of young people under 18 years old;
  • Advertising and teleshopping for alcoholic beverages is unacceptable.

Bejn id-9:00 ta’ filgħaxija u s-6:00 ta’ filgħodu:

  • Restrizzjonijiet li jipproteġu ż-żgħażagħ ta’ taħt it-18-il sena;
  • Trattament inaċċettabbli fir-reklamar għal u teleshopping ta’ xorb alkoħoliku.

These requirements on Advertisements, Methods of Advertising and Directions do not apply to any advertisement or promotional campaigns undertaken to persuade the public to cease excessive and/or immoderate drinking.

Dawn il-Ħtiġiet dwar ir-Reklami, il-Metodi ta’ Reklamar u d-Direttivi m’għandhomx japplikaw għal kull reklam jew kampanja promozzjonali li jsiru biex jipperswadu lill-pubbliku li jieqaf milli jixrob b’mod eċċessiv jew immoderat.


Click here for S.L. 350.25 - Requirements as to Advertisements, Methods of Advertising and Directions applicable to Gambling Advertisements

Agħfas hawn għal L.S. 350.25 - Ħtiġiet Dwar ir-Reklami, Metodi ta' Reklamar u Direttivi Dwar Reklamar Dwar Logħob tal-Ażżard Fuq is-Servizzi Tax-Xandir

Principle: Social responsibility and ethical values in gambling advertising especially where children, young people and all those who can be harmed or exploited are involved and can be led to betting.

Prinċipju: Responsabbilità soċjali u valuri etiċi adattati fir-reklamar għal-logħob tal-azzard speċjalment it-tfal, żgħażagħ u dawk kollha li jistgħu jweġġgħu jew ikunu sfruttati u li jwassal il-ħajra għal-logħob tal-imħatri.

Gambling includes:

  • Gaming or remote gaming or betting;
  • Playing an authorised game under the Lotteries and Other Games Act (Kap.438) and the Gaming Act (Kap 400);
  • The National Lottery;
  • Commercial bingo halls;
  • Internet gaming and betting; and
  • Other forms of licensed gaming.

But does not include:

  • Gaming carried out for a philantyhropic or charitable or other social purpose which the Authority may from time to time approve;
  • Gaming regulated by the Broadcasting Authority's directive on the Conduct of Competition and the Award of Prizes on the Broadcasting Media - L.S.350.22.

Logħob tal-Ażżard jinkludi:

  • Logħob jew Logħob mill-bogħod jew Imħatri;
  • Logħob awtorizzat skont l-Att dwar il-Lotteriji u Logħob Ieħor (Kap.438) u L-Att dwar il-Logħob (Kap 400);
  • Il-Lotterija Nazzjonali;
  • Swali kummerċjali tat-tombla;
  • Il-logħob u l-imħatri bl-Internet; u
  • Kull sura ta' logħob ieħor awtorizzat b'liċenzja.

Iżda ma tinkludix:

  • Logħob li jsir għal għan filantropiku; Logħob b'għan karitatevoli; u Logħob b'għan soċjali li l-Awtorità tax-Xandir tista' tapprova;
  • Logħob regolat mid-Direttiva dwar it-Tmexxija Ta' Kompetizzjonijiet u l-Għoti ta' Premijiet tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir - L.S.350.22.

Television: Such adverts can be broadcast between 7:00pm and 6:00am

Televiżjoni: Reklami jistgħu jixxandru bejn is-7:00pm u s-6:00am.

Radio: Such adverts can be broadcast between 9:00am and 2:00pm and after 7:00pm till 6:00am.

Radju: Reklami jistgħu jixxandru wara id-9:00 ta' filgħodu sas-2:00 ta' wara nofsinhar u wara is-7:00 ta' filgħaxija sas-6:00 ta' filgħodu.


  • Such programmes cannot be broadcast during, immediately before or after, children's programs or those programs directed to children or are likely to appeal particularly to children.
  • When advertising of games of chance is permitted, broadcasters may not broadcast any advertisement that contravenes Paragraph 5.4 of S.L. 350.25
  • Advertising of a casino is prohibited under section 49 of the Gaming Act (Chapter 400 of the Laws of Malta)
  • These directives do not prohibit the announcement of game results during the day.
  • Dawn m’għandhomx jixxandru waqt, immedjatament qabel jew  wara, programmi għat-tfal  jew f’dawk il-programmi li jkunu diretti għat-tfal jew aktarx li jappellaw b’mod partikolari għat-tfal.
  • Meta reklamar dwar logħob tal-ażżard hu permess, ix-xandara ma jistgħu jxandru ebda reklam li jmur kontra l-Paragrafu 5.4 tal-L.S. 350.25
  • Reklamar ta’ każinò ma jistax isir skont l-artikolu 49 tal-Att dwar il-Logħob (Kapitlu 400 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta).
  • Dawn id-direttivi ma jipprojbixxux it-tħabbir ta’ riżultati tal-logħob matul il-jum.

Click here for S.L. 350.05 - Broadcasting Code for the Protection of Minors

Agħfas hawn għal L.S. 350.05 - Kodiċi Tax-Xandit Dwar il-Protezzjoni Tal-Minuri

Principle: Broadcasting cannot include programs that may seriously harm the physical, mental or moral development of minors (those under eighteen years), and in particular should not include pornography or gratuitous violence.


Health and Safety:  Minors shall not be shown-

  • leaning on windows;
  • climbing dangerously, or entering dangerous places, or playing irresponsibly in or near water;
  • playing in the road;
  • climbing up to high shelves or reaching up to take things from a table above their heads;
  • reaching medicines, disinfectants, antiseptics and caustic or poisonous substances
  • using matches, or any gas, petrol, paraffin, mechanical or electrical appliances which could lead to them suffering any form in injury;
  • with toy weapons which are realistic (whether in size, shape or colour) and which can be confused with real weapons.

Advertising directed at Minors:

  • Must not exaggerate or mislead by including excessive use of backgrounds that exist in the imagination or special effects;
  • Prices shall not be minimised by words such as "only" or "just";
  • Shall not take advantage of the immaturity or natural credulity of minors;
  • Take advantage of the sense of loyalty of minors or suggest that unless minors buy or encourage others to buy a product or service, they will be failing in some duty or lacking in loyalty;
  • Shall not lead minors to believe that unless they have or use the product advertised they will be inferior in some way to other minors or liable to be scorned or ridiculed;
  • Shall not exhort minors to buy products or services or else to ask adults to buy products or services for them;
  • Shall not encourage anti-social behaviour or depict minors behaving in an anti-social manner. Vindictiveness, bullying and certain facial expressions and body movements can all be defined as anti-social;
  • Shall not portray minors in a sexually provocative manner.

Child Representation:

  • Great attention and discretion are required when children appear naked or scantily dressed;
  • Should not be shown presenting products or services that they are not expected to buy;
  • Should not make significant comments on features or products and services on which they are not expected to have direct knowledge;
  • Should not give evidence themselves about products and services. However, they can comment spontaneously on anything that they have a natural and obvious interest in.
  • Advertising: Should not invite minors to purchase products or services through remote communication and this includes mail, phone, computer, e-mail or Internet.
  • Competitions and free prizes: The ability to participate must be appropriate to the age of the participant while the price value and the chance of winning are not exaggerated. Reference to "free prize" in advertisements must include all the requirements to qualify for them, such as the date by which the product can to be purchased and the price of the product, as well as any other relevant information.

Restriction on Times of Transmission: This type of advertising can not take place before, after or during any advertising break during programs for minors:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • matches;
  • medicines;
  • vitamins or dietary supplements
  • slimming products, treatments and establishments;
  • adult only rated film trailers;
  • lotteries or similar games of chance.

Click here for Cap 350, Broadcasting Act - Code for Advertisements and Teleshopping for Radio and Television Broadcasts

Agħfas hawn għal Kap 350, L-Att dwar ix-Xandir - Kodiċi Għal Reklamar u Telexiri Għal Xandiriet Bir-Radju u t-Televiżjoni




Click here for Cap 350, Broadcasting Act - Provisions applicable to audiovisual commercial communications.

Agħfas hawn għal Kap 350, L-Att dwar ix-Xandir - Dispożizzjonijiet li japplikaw għall-komunikazzjonijiet kummerċjali awdjoviżivi.


