[14/17] Press Conference by AD

Release: Immediate
Data: 29th May 2017
PR 14/17

Reference is made to the News Conference held by Alternattiva Demokratika (AD) earlier today.

The Broadcasting Authority denies any allegation of censorship and unfair treatment levelled against it by AD. The Authority considers this attack unjust, and uncalled for, and insists that the protest is based on unfounded accusations.

The Broadcasting Authority reiterates that the time allotted to AD in its scheme of political broadcasts is in line with its regulations, and takes into account the prevalent circumstances.

In relation to AD’s claims regarding its participation in Xarabank and Skjetti, the Authority, whilst rebutting any such claims, emphasizes the fact that it did not put forward any recommendation or objection in this regard.

Mario Axiak, M.B.A (Maastricht)
Head Research & Communications
29th May 2017
Ref 10/62